Sunday 7 October 2012

How ideas can form

Hi everyone.

Sometimes the hardest part of coming up with a new line of cards is the basic first design. It can come as a random thought that you just have to put down on paper or you could be walking round your local area or even going to the shops and you see something that can just inspire you.
For me at KTz Designs it can be a mixture of things. I could be listening to the radio and a song lyric inspires me with an idea or reading a magazine and see an interesting shape that I feel I could incorporate into one of my designs. A lot of the time it can just be random thoughts or ideas that pop into my head that i just have to get down on paper.
How ideas can form was one of the reasons I decided to create a requests page option on my website  When you buy cards from shops, some of the designs can be quite restricitive. What I mean is you can't always find a card to match your required occasion. I wanted to give people the option to be able to give their loved one, family member, fantastic friend or special person who means a lot to them a special personlised card that will feature things that are appropriate to them (things that they like). On my requests page if you fill in the form with all the required information I will come up with a design to match your requirements. Think of me the next time you have a special occasion for a special person in mind

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